EP56: What the world will look like when the Future Meets Present - Amer Jandali

Apple Stitcher Breaker


Amer Jandali



Flagship Product

Marketplace of the Future

Event Details

Friday, September 25th from Noon - 9pm EST

Future Meets Present on In Good Hands


Imagine a snapshot of a sustainable future, one in which renewable energy, electric cars, and rooftop gardens are normal. Business models are designed to optimize (rather than maximize) resources in order to benefit all stakeholders including people and planet. The way we see it, that future is not somewhere off in time and space. Rather, it’s expressing itself right now in the present.


Future Meets Present is what Founder Amer describes as “if IDEO was run by Al Gore and Skrillex” - pioneering different products and events that serve their goals of building a sustainable future, now. One of their projects, Marketplace of the Future, is an annual event inspired by the 1939 New York World’s Fair and taking place online for the first time ever this Friday (9/25 from Noon - 9p EST). In their new digital world, guests will be able to walk around, meet each other, engage with brands, discover solutions to climate change, find hidden easter eggs, and attend talks with climate experts. Register here!

Episode Brief

Future Meets Present Founder, Amer Jandali, joins us on this week’s episode to discuss:

  • Opening for LMFAO and starting his career as a pro DJ

  • His climate “eureka moment”

  • Launching Future Meets Present, his “IDEO meets Al Gore meets Skrillex” startup

  • His first product, the Braceletote

  • Organizing “Marketplace of the Future,” Climate Week NYC’s closing event

  • Running a conference in the year of COVID

  • New projects in the pipeline for Future Meets Present



Peter Levin


Dan Mahoney


Eddie Knuckles

Peter Levin